Monday, 2 January 2012

Wheelchair Accessible Vans – Changing Lives

It is hard to survive in this fast world with physical disability. But today, physically challenged people are not sorry any more. They are now blessed with wheelchair accessible vehicle which can take them to any place they wish, that too without taking any assistance. This is surprising and motivational as well. These vans allow disables to drive the vehicle by their own. It is a great feeling of freedom and satisfaction of moving to far distance independently.

Wheelchair accessible vehicle is a revolutionary achievement in the field of technology. These vans are quite different from the regular vans. They include several features and equipments to suit the necessities of disables. All wheelchair accessible vehicles are not alike. They all vary depending on the type of disability the driver is suffering from and their individual necessities. Adaptable vans are available either as pre-converted vehicle or simple van to be converted later. Each of them is chosen according to the requirement, but most of the people prefer to have van without any conversion and later they convert according to their necessities. This is beneficial and useful as well, as you get to convert it with you own requirements.

Both new and used wheelchair accessible vehicle are available, though the new model may cost you high. Yet, it is beneficial as it can be sold if user doesn’t find its necessity any more. If the warranty period is still longer and the vehicle is in good condition, it is likely that user will get a good selling price.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to code to cater for disabled users on all my sites, my reasoning being that if it’s easy for someone with a disability to use, then it’s easy for everybody. Win win.
    However, when I have touched on accessibility issues regarding this particular project, the client has simply said “Until somebody calls me to say I am in breach of the law, I don’t give a damn

    check out here: Holidays for people with disabilities
