Friday, 27 April 2012

Is it Cheaper to Choose a Vehicle Conversion?

Are you trying to decide between a vehicle conversion for your existing van, buying a new or second hand accessible vehicle or simply renting wheelchair vans as you need the transportation? If so, you might be finding it difficult to determine which option makes the most sense economically, and which serves your mobility needs the best.

Vehicle conversions are a great choice for those mobility challenged passengers and drivers who already own a van of the right dimensions but that is too high off the ground or narrow inside to comfortably accommodate a wheelchair user. Rental vans, on the other hand are much better suited to people who don't want the commitment of owning and maintaining their own car and who travel infrequently or make use of public transport for short trips.

Rental vans are also very useful to mobility challenged people travelling in foreign countries who have had to leave their wheelchair vans behind. The availability of accessible vans for hire makes it easy for mobility challenged people to enjoy the freedom of self directed travel. For everyday comfort and freedom, however, a vehicle conversion is undoubtedly the best, and most economical choice.

This is because you only have to pay once to get your conversion completed, after which you can enjoy unlimited travel. By choosing a high quality accessibility company to complete the procedure, you can expect to have the floor of your van lowered, non-slip surfaces applied and a higher capacity rear suspension put in place. All of these vehicle conversion modifications improve your daily way of life and guarantee a long lasting cost effective mobility solution.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Why Wheelchair Taxi Fares Need to be Lowered

Anyone who has caught a taxi in an emergency knows that the price of a short trip can be exorbitant and irritating, especially when compounded with other difficulties. The price of a cab ride is even more troublesome, however, for those mobility challenged passengers that rely on accessible cabs for every journey.

Being a wheelchair user means not only encountering various physical problems, but also significant financial and everyday lifestyle problems. Costs mount up quickly, and the use of wheelchair taxis can be a significant drain on the mobility challenged person's income. To counteract this, many states have implemented transportation subsidies for disabled passengers, allowing these individuals to enjoy full freedom of movement.

Wheelchair taxi fares are still set at too high a price, however, for many mobility challenged passengers, preventing those users from taking advantage of the liberty and freedom offered by the advanced wheelchair taxis in usage today. With fares as high as they are, many mobility challenged individuals will avoid embarking on longer trips, thus significantly lowering their own quality of life.

The good news is, however, that it is illegal for surcharges to be added to the fare on wheelchair taxis or other accessible vehicles. This means that mobility challenged customers can enjoy a high level of comfort and safety without paying any more than other passengers. Mobility challenged passengers should also expect a higher level of care from their accessible cab drivers, including considerate parking for pick ups and drop offs, and careful maintenance of the vehicle. 

Monday, 9 April 2012

How to Choose Versatile Wheelchair Vans

Accessible vehicles can be fitted out with various different lifts, ramps and other equipment to make them easier to use and much more versatile. With moveable seats and slimline ramps, you can easily interchange between accommodating different passengers, with each individual occupant of the wheelchair vans enjoying the utmost comfort.

The configuration of ramps and entryways you choose will depend on the size of the wheelchair van you are after and the number of passengers you hope to carry at once. If you plan on accommodating free moving passengers as well as those with disabilities, you will need a versatile and multi-purpose van that can easily switch from a normal seating configuration to a special care mode.

For the best in versatility, choose a wheelchair van in a modern design that has been optimised for streamlined use. You should also consider other aspects such as running cost and long term reliability. Most wheelchair accessible vehicles on the market today are capable of carrying people with a variety of different needs, including configurations for holding four or more seated passengers or a mix of mobility challenged passengers and other occupants.

When selecting your accessible vehicle, you may want to choose some extra features that make the travelling experience more streamlined and enjoyable for everyone involved. These include a power ramp which allows for an easy, quick and non-jarring entrance into the vehicle for all passengers using a wheelchair and a lowered floor which makes the interior of the wheelchair van feel much more spacious and makes getting in and out of the vehicle easier for every passenger.

How To Receive Vouchers For Wheelchair Taxi Transportation

There are programs available that provide people who need to use a wheelchair taxi in areas where suitable public transport is not available with vouchers that make this task much more affordable, such as those with mobility disabilities and the elderly. Once you made the decision that you need financial assistance with transportation, how do you make an application for the vouchers?

First, you will need to gather the required personal information and documentation to prove your eligibility for the vouchers. This information will include things such as your age, address, annual income and the extent of your disability. In some wheelchair taxi programs, you may be required to provide a photo ID and medical documents proving your disability.

Next, you can start contacting organizations and groups who may be able to steer you in the right direction to apply for wheelchair taxi vouchers. Places that may be able to assist you include: the public transport authority for the state in which you live; the senior citizens or disabilities council for your area, state or country; the social services department of your local Centrelink; taxi companies (even though they do not sponsor such programs, they may know how you can apply for it).

After being approved to receive financial assistance in the way of vouchers for use in wheelchair taxis, there will be a number of factors that you will have to take into account before each trip. Remember that you will only receive a certain amount of vouchers each year, so you should use them sparingly; remember that, if you travel interstate, you can apply for vouchers that will work in those states; and remember to keep your ID on you at all times as proof that you are able to use wheelchair taxi vouchers.